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These principles are not intended as a dictate of how people should be and act, but are the glue and north star of this community and serve as a reflection of the community's ethos as it organically developed since its inception and first iteration, Aspen Shakti Aug 2014, Aspen CO.



Fully Alive living is not a luxury

It is in fact an essential way of being for Self actualization, both for the individual and for our human race, and thus it is the touchstone of our culture's value system. Within this culture, we aim to transcend limitations, elevate our consciousness and discover our inner greatness, leading to our most fulfilled life and potent legacy. This journey requires developing compassion and understanding for the realities of others, and forging a powerful bond with the natural world.



We get good at what we practice

The practices, both individual and communal, are our path to aliveness. It's not about discipline so much as it is about devotion to our greatest life and deep commitment to knowing that EVERYTHING we need is inside of us. What we bring our attention to, we bring our energy to and what we bring our energy to grows and expands . . when we practice we become strong enough in body, mind and spirit and soul to flourish in a FULLY ALIVE existence.



Inclusive community

Isolation and loneliness are two of the biggest 'killers' in our modern world. We know that who you surround yourself with becomes normalized and thus our community is essential to sustaining a FULLY ALIVE state. Here, we are doing the work to awaken and, as that path is not always smooth sailing, we're heard, celebrated, and supported in our most intense and our most triumphant moments. We value conscious relating, non-judgment, and collaboration and reciprocity. Recognizing isolation as a modern 'killer,' this SAFE space welcomes all experiences, and we prioritize building an inclusive community for all who value aliveness.



Transformative boldness and radical self-expression

Our community champions a radically participatory ethic, encouraging everyone to engage fully. We believe transformative change occurs through authentic self-sharing and stepping into the unknown. By integrating awareness into our actions, we shape our lives and legacies. Everyone is invited to participate, contribute, and receive. We create a magnificent world through conscious societal engagement and heart-opening actions. We believe the world yearns for each of us to boldly explore and share our gifts for global healing and harmony.



You want the abundant life? Give EVERYTHING away.

This core quality of our ethos stems from knowing that fear and scarcity cloud our thinking and create bodily tension, misaligning us from TRUTH. We choose ultimate generosity instead. During a powerful meditation retreat, after years of battling beliefs about scarcity and earning, Jayne received this clear message: "You want the abundant life? Give EVERYTHING away." She now leads from this place, using this mantra as a core ally on her fully alive living journey.



The don’t know mind is the road to freedom and freedom is the ultimate wonder of ALIVENESS.

In our Alive Culture, intimacy, vulnerability, and intentional language use are crucial for authentic connections and a liberated reality. In Buddhism, there is an intimate kind of knowing that is practiced as a path to peace and to building meaningful connections, and paradoxically, it is called “not knowing.” We live in a world of duality formed of thoughts and opinions, or rather a world in which we create our reality through the lens of our ego. We identify ourselves and our world with the thoughts in our heads which ultimately causes us to experience separation, desire, fear, depression, jealousy and duality. The don’t know mind is the empty, open, and spacious mind, and the place where we can be utterly present. This is the place where we can experience the world directly, without opinions or judgment, leading to freedom—one of the ultimate wonders of ALIVENESS.



Your ALIVEness is urgent. Become a founding member of our extraordinary community and gain access to a world of conscious humans living fully ALIVE.